We love our dogs.

We love our dogs.

Aligned Canine Training was founded with the intention of helping owners understand and better communicate with their animals starting with a core relationship-based approach that aligns our animals not only with their owner’s lifestyle, but most importantly with themselves.

We tailor our approach to each animal we work with, and look forward to meeting your beasts!

You should be having a conversation with your dog, we’re just helping you communicate.

- Sarika Blondeau, Founder

Including specialized programs for service dog training, behavioral modification including human and animal reactivity and aggression, and more. A great alternative to doggie day care!

Traverse the world with your companion happily by your side. These small group classes are some of our favorite, but not for newbies. Once we start working together, join the adventure!

Prefer to work with us one-on-one? No problem, we love our individualized sessions where we can really dive in. Each session will be specifically tailored to your training goals and dog’s needs.

we believe in taking an individualized approach because every animal is unique. Take a look at what we offer and we’ll discuss the right plan for your pup as we get to know you both.

Our relationship-based approach to training starts with a foundational understanding of your dog’s drive.

Join our pack walks

Join our weekly pack walks throughout Sacramento to work on neutral socialization and brush up on anything else! Once you’re in the ACT Pack, walks are free.

2nd and 4th Sunday
Land Park, 10am

1st and 3rd Sunday
Bannister Park, 10am

While we love training our service dogs, we also carry an expectation of service-level obedience in our advanced obedience courses that sets our dogs up to happily navigate life right beside us.

Featured: Canis Panther Klaus, protection and service dog certified. See more on ACT’s work with Canis Panthers here.

Promise we won’t bite! We can’t wait to hear from you and help find the right path for you and your animal.

Bark up the right tree

Join the ACT pack